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Lifetime Development
Lifetime Development offers comprehensive support and services in all areas of personal development. Lifetime Development provides talks for parents on parenting and child development, courses for students on learning strategies, workshops for adults on psychological well-being, screening tests for SEN, professional development trainings for organisations, and individual psychological consultation. The services provided are greatly appreciated and highly recommended. Lifetime心理成長支援中心,多年來為不少兒童進行初步識別測試及跟進訓練,為家長提供專業諮詢服務,為學校提供學生學習技巧及成長支援課程,亦舉辦不同主題的兒童成長及親子教育講座,更為不同機構提供專業發展活動,深得學生、家長、學校發機構高度評價。

Better Kids
School-based Training and talks for Children and Teens・Individualised Education Pla

Better You
Workshop on Psychological Well-being・Professional Development・Personal Consultati