The key behavioral signs of ADHD in children are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Adults with ADHD often exhibit signs of depression, mood swings, anger and relationship issues, poor time management skills, and procrastination.
Research indicates that it is caused by a genetic chemical imbalance in the brain and therefore can be inherited although there are some who believe that factors like food additives contribute to the disorder. Most do agree though that triggers such as stress, anxiety, and diet can intensify the symptoms.
Mindfulness meditation has proven to be a very effective tool in dealing with this disorder and takes less time than they think. Mindfulness helps create the capacity to not only calm and sooth but increases the ability to focus. It offers two important benefits that help reduce restlessness.
- One is heightened concentration, allowing you to be more productive.
- Another is physiological changes, namely, a decrease in skin temperature and increase in oxygenation of the brain, a decrease in lactic acid (which causes fatigue) and cortisol (a stress hormone). With less fatigue and stress, you become less distracted and more efficient in using and managing your time.
If you’re restless or find it difficult to focus, try meditating after a physical activity. Start out slowly with only about 3 to 5 minutes a day and gradually build upwards towards 20 minutes once or twice per day.
- Get into a comfortable posture and place your hands in a relaxing and energizing mudra (hand position).
- Focus your eyes.
- Pay attention to your breathing.
- Be aware – As you focus your awareness on your breath in and out, you’re likely to experience many mental distractions.
- Slowly come back into ordinary consciousness – Once you start to feel restless bring yourself back by rubbing the palms of your hands together.