The photos in your Facebook profile provided a very accurate reflection of your personality in real life. The Facebook study found that accuracy was strongest for judging extroversion and openness.

The study on the role of physical appearance in creating first impression found that you can actually learn a great deal about a stranger’s personality from appearance alone. When people stood in a natural position, the judgments were accurate for nine of the 10 personality traits: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness, likability, self-esteem, loneliness, religiosity, and political orientation.

Extroverts apparently smile more, stand in energetic and less tense poses, and appear healthy, neat, and stylish.

Those who wear a cross or a Star of David—gave viewers information about religiosity.

While men who dressed more neatly and formally were accurately judged as more conscientious.

Check the links for the details: