When it rains, it pours…but soon, the sun shines again
20141014 TSAC Student Talk
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20140908 Mooncake for the Elderly Campaign
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6 Ways Men and Women Are (Mostly) Different
The differences, as well as the similarities, between how men and women approach life, and the experiences that make up that life: How they work, how they parent, how they love could be found in six ways: 1. She wants it all. So does he. When we talk about how men and women define success, we often generalize: Women want balance, or to “have it all.”…

4 Powerful Ways to Use Body Language for Better Relationships
Body language has been said to impact a relationship more than words and tone of voice combined. Here’s how to use your gestures for good. Talk like you’re looking in a mirror. Studies have shown that people in power positions—those sitting higher than their partners, putting their feet up, or lacing their fingers behind their necks—have increased feelings of superiority, while people in lower-power poses,…
Psychology Talk: “Sleep and Dream”
20140607 OUHK Orientation Day – Learning in OUHK
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20140219-20140528 “Fun Learning” English Enhancement Program for SpLD Students – Level 2 (CYTSS)
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20140523 KH Parent’s Talk
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20140217-20140519 “Fun Learning” English Enhancement Program for SpLD Students – Level 1 (TSAC)
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