Women on the Verge of Exhaustion

A CDC study found that 16 percent of women age 18 to 44 reported feeling “very tired,” “exhausted,” or otherwise worn out most days, compared with 9 percent of men in the same age range. Is it because women are taking on more than their share? Or because they have difficulty saying no? The answer, probably, is both. 1. Women earn more than their husbands but still do…

Parent’s Feedback

內容豐富,非常精采及生動,得益良多,提醒用心及耐性愛小朋友,努力實踐。 家長

Deal with Anxiety and Get Your Life Back

You know the feeling. You’re doing fine, when all of a sudden your car dies, your daughter tells you she’s dropping out of college, and you find out you need a new roof. Suddenly, you feel like you can’t breathe. Your chest hurts, and you’re convinced you’re having a heart attack. More likely, you’re having an anxiety attack—an acute reaction to intense stress. Even if…

Anger Management for Children

Has your child lost their temper? Did your child yell or scream or want to hit something?  Everyone gets angry and when kids are treated unfairly, they try to stand up for themselves by reacting in anger. It is important to teach children what to do and not to do when they are angry. Children have a lot of emotions. Anger is one emotion they…

6 Ways to Boost Energy and Beat Fatigue Naturally

If you’re about to complain about how exhausted you are (again), try one of these science-backed energizing tactics to get you going. 1. Space out. You might think multitasking will help you tackle your to-do list faster, but doing nothing for a few minutes can help your lack of energy and ultimately push you to get more done. The brain becomes fatigued after sustained use…

Feeling Lonely? It May Increase Risk of Early Death

People who feel consistently lonely have a 14% higher risk of premature death than those who don’t. The impact of loneliness on early death is almost as strong as the impact of being poor, which increased the chances of dying early by 19%. “Loneliness is a risk factor for early death beyond what can be explained by poor health behaviors,” says psychologist John Cacioppo, director of…

7 Simple Ways to Connect to Your Partner

Doing something small every day is important because your connection with your partner is a daily commitment. Here are seven simple suggestions for cultivating your closeness. 1. Do things together – Having shared experiences keeps your connection alive. 2. Touch throughout the day – Touch is a very primal, visceral way to feel connected to someone. It reminds us of our most basic needs as infants, and “we need to…