Students’ Feedback from “EXECUTIVE” Function (Study Skills) Training for Teens (Senior Secondary Group)

Student’s Feedback

Teacher’s Feedback
我入組觀察發覺Dr. Chan的帶領非常專業,而且很容易讓所有學生投入,在網上環境也能讓學生如此投入,實在是不容易!因此我非常期待,如能夠面授,學生的得益一定更加多。謝謝你的付出! Teachers’ Feedback from “FOCUS” Training for Teens (Online)

Teacher’s Feedback
Teachers’ Feedback from the Professional Development Talk on “Positive Education for Teachers”

Students’ Feedback
Dr Chan is a very organised and well-prepared person. She will rearrange the. Powerpoint for easy understanding all the time. There are enough interaction in every class. She is motivating all students and make class full of fun. Dr Chan always encourages students to participate in class activities. She is well-prepared to the class and many interaction with us. Dr Chan is clear and often…

Teacher’s Feedback
謝謝Dr Chan!你努力及盡心的教導,學生真的上得好開心,感謝你! Teacher’s Feedback from “FUN ENGLISH” Enhancement Programme

Students’ Feedback
Students’ feedback from “Read & Write” English Enhancement Programme

Teacher’s and Students’ Feedback
Teachers’ and students’ Feedback from “FOCUS” Training for Teens (Online)

Participants’ Feedback
Participants’ Feedback from “Mindfulness Workshop”

Teachers’ Feedback
Teachers’ Feedback from the Professional Development Talk on “Effective Teaching Strategies for Secondary School Autistic Students”

Teachers’ Feedback
Teachers’ Feedback from “Mindfulness Workshop”