School Programme: “TEEN LIFE PLAN” Life and Career Planning Workshop for Teens

School SEN Programme: “BRAIN POWER” Brain Training Programme

School SEN Programme: “EXECUTIVE” Function Training for Teens

Parents Course: Supporting Children with SEN

Parents Course on Child Development

School SEN Programme :Social Emotional Learning for Children

School SEN Programme: Emotion Management Training

Developmental Disorders and Screening Test
Childhood disorders or developmental disorders, most often occur and are diagnosed when the child’s of school-age. According to Department of Health, Hong Kong, there are basically ten types of developmental disorders. Hearing Impairment Visual Impairment Cerebral Palsy Autistic Spectrum Disorders Dyslexia Mental Retardation & Developmental Delay Language Delay Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Development Co-ordination Disorder Anxiety Disorder Other than Cerebral Palsy, Development Co-ordination Disorder and…

What is Special Educational Needs (SEN) ? The case in Hong Kong
The term ‘special educational needs‘ has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning problems or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. In Hong Kong, under the prevailing government policy, children with severe or multiple disabilities attend special schools where they are provided with intensive support services. Other students with SEN are placed in…

Know more about Autistic Spectrum Disorder from “Temple Grandin” Movie
(Click the image to watch the video) Temple’s speech from the HBO short film ‘Temple Grandin’ (2010), portrayed by Claire Danes. Here, Temple attends the National Autistic Convention of 1981 and delivers a speech that will eventually catapult her in the spotlight as one of the World’s foremost speakers on autism and advocates for Autism research. Directed by Mick Jackson. Starring Claire Danes, Julia Ormond,…