Knowing Early Childhood Disorders – Children SEN Screening Test and Parents Consultation

SEN Support Services for Students, Parents and Schools (Primary School)
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SEN Support Services for Students, Parents and Schools (Secondary School)
Click here for the details about SEN Support Services for Secondary School
10 Things We Know About Autism That We Didn’t Know A Year Ago
Just two decades ago, autism was a mysterious and somewhat obscure disorder, commonly associated with the movie Rain Man and savantism. It affected an estimated 1 in 5,000 children. How times have changed. Today, thanks to awareness and advocacy efforts, people now have a much better understanding of autism. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now estimates that a staggering 1 in 88 children, including 1 in 54…
In Autistic Kids, “Thinking in Words” Improves Mental Flexibility
When children with autism ‘mentally talk things through,’ they have an easier time unraveling complex everyday tasks, which may lead to more flexible thinking and a more independent life later on. For example, encouraging children to describe their actions out loud has been successful for increasing mental flexibility in typically developing children. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may benefit from verbally learning their daily schedule at school instead…
Back To School : Parent Tips For Children With Autism
School districts throughout the country will soon welcome back students for a new academic year. This includes an increasing number of special needs children identified with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The beginning of a new school year is an exciting yet anxious time for both parents and children. It typically brings a change in the daily routine established over the summer months. This transition can…
10 Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew
10 things every child with autism wishes you knew 1)First of all I am a child. I have Autism. I’m not only “Autistic.” My autism is only one aspect of my character. Does not define meas a person. You are a person with thoughts, feelings and talents. Or you’re just fat, skinny, tall, short, short-sighted. Perhaps these are some things I notice when you meet, but this is not necessarily what you are. As an adult, you have some control of how they self-define. If you want to delete a feature,can be expressed differently. As a child I’m still discovering. Neither you or I may know what…