Just about everyone has an opinion about Facebook. A favorite theme is loneliness. There are those who believe that Americans (among others) are becoming lonelier and that our habits of connecting by Facebook instead of in person are hastening our slide into isolation. From that perspective, people constantly posting status updates are revealing their own loneliness. Others instead believe that Facebook allows people to stay…
Facebook Status Updates as Social Snacking

Making a Digital First Impression: Why You Can’t Fake Your Facebook Profile
The photos in your Facebook profile provided a very accurate reflection of your personality in real life. The Facebook study found that accuracy was strongest for judging extroversion and openness. The study on the role of physical appearance in creating first impression found that you can actually learn a great deal about a stranger’s personality from appearance alone. When people stood in a natural position,…
Why Facebook’s Recent Changes Outrage People
Lots of people are upset by the recent changes that Facebook made to its website. The look is a little different, and things function a little differently. This has caused people to rant and rave and some are even boycotting the site. What’s going on? Actually, the reactions are a very common human response: We are very resistant to changes of any kind. Coca-Cola found…