A study of genetically identical mice is providing some hints about humans. How can one identical twin be a wallflower while the other is the life of the party? The study of 40 young mice found that their behavior grew increasingly different over three months, even though the mice shared the same genes and lived in the same five-level cage, researchers report Thursday in the…
How Can Identical Twin Turn Out So Different?
What You Need To Succeed
Whether you succeed at work may depend on many factors—intelligence, empathy, self-control, talent and persistence, to name a few. But one determinant may outweigh many of these: how you perceive those around you. A Key Component of Achievement – Psychological Capital Psychological capital reflects our capacity to overcome obstacles and push ourselves to pursue our ambitions. It is a mixture of efficacy (self-confidence) resilience (you believe…
Traits of the ‘Get It Done’ Personality: Laser Focus, Resilience, and True Grit
Traits of the ‘Get It Done’ Personality: Laser Focus, Resilience, and True Grit Angela L. Duckworth (left) of the U. of Pennsylvania studies personality traits, including grit, that help people succeed. The Successful Academic People who get things done and accomplish their goals often share these traits: Resilience The ability to recover from setbacks and cope effectively with stress Grit Perseverance and passion for challenging long-term…
What Colour Best Represents Who You are
THOUGHT EXPERIMENT Imagine you are an artist. You are asked to paint the dress of the girl in the illustration. You have before you an array of colors: 1. RED 2. PINK 3. YELLOW 4. ORANGE 5. BLUE 6. PURPLE 7. GREEN 8. BROWN 9. BLACK 10. WHITE You are asked to use a color to convey an emotion or feeling. (Write…

Making a Digital First Impression: Why You Can’t Fake Your Facebook Profile
The photos in your Facebook profile provided a very accurate reflection of your personality in real life. The Facebook study found that accuracy was strongest for judging extroversion and openness. The study on the role of physical appearance in creating first impression found that you can actually learn a great deal about a stranger’s personality from appearance alone. When people stood in a natural position,…
What is Your Personality Type
We all have special gifts…..our personality. Sometimes it’s just hard to uncover and see them for ourselves. Once you understand your basic “type”, it becomes easier to recognise your own strengths and weaknesses. It also helps you to see more clearly your personal strengths and how to play to them and live a life that uses and compliments them. There are four basic aspects to…